Hello. My name is Mark, and I’m a bad speler.

Okay. Truthfully, I’m not a bad speller. As a freelance copywriter, good spelling is important — or at least good self-editing. But I often let fear of mistakes keep me from starting with personal creative projects. Getting over that fear inspired my blog.

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Mad Max: The Post-apocalyptic Western Series

FYI: There are some original movies spoilers here, but most probably won’t ruin your enjoyment of them. Post-apocalypse settings in pop culture come from many different origins: nuclear war, viral outbreaks, global natural disasters, robot uprisings, zombies, vampires, alien invasions, and just a general societal breakdown. Of course, societal breakdown is usually the result of... Continue Reading →

Halloween Costume That I’m Both Most Ashamed of and Proud

You remember hearing about the “Ghost of the Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts,” right? If you did, it would really make me feel better about myself with this story. In case not—and it will become apparent you’re not alone—the “Ghost of the Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts” was one of my brother and I’s favorite scary stories... Continue Reading →

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